
What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About Your Personality

We spend a third of our lives sleeping. And if that sounds like too much time, it’s because sleep is a necessary part of the body’s recovery and rest process. How do you sleep at night? The sleeping position we take reveals more about our personalities than we think.



For those who sleep in the log position, they are sleeping on their side, with legs extended straight and arms by the sides. Log sleepers are typically easygoing people who love to socialise and engage with others. At the same time, they tend to have a trusting nature that may make them appear gullible.



Close to the log position, the yearner position has the sleeper with the arms stretched out in front of them. Studies have shown that the yearner position reveals an open and welcoming personality. However, they can be slow in making decisions, yet will become steadfast in their decisions once they’ve made up their mind.



One of the most common sleeping positions, the fetal position is defined by sleeping on the sides with the legs curled up. Those who sleep in the fetal position can be described as tough on the outside but soft and sensitive on the inside. If you sleep in the fetal position, be sure to choose a mattress with medium firmness and place a pillow between your knees.



Those who take the soldier position sleep on their back and have their arms and legs neatly in position as if standing at attention. If you sleep in this position, you’re likely to be the strong and silent type who are disciplined and structured. This position, however, makes snoring more likely to happen! Sleeping in this position requires a firm mattress to provide the right support for the body.



Stomach sleepers tend to have the arms wrapped around a pillow and the head to the side. They are known to be outgoing and often self-centred. The stomach sleepers tend to be risk takers and playful. Without the right mattress and pillow, the stomach sleeper can be prone to neck and back pains. Choose a firm mattress that supports the back and a thin head pillow that won’t put the neck at an awkward angle.



With a sleeping position that looks like a starfish or jumping jack, this one is considered the least popular sleeping style. But those who adopt this sleeping position tend to be loyal individuals who value friendship highly. They are also great listeners who love to help others.